not guarded parking lot (near by the hotel), garages (near by the hotel) 2 eur/day
board in place:
dinner, lunch, breakfast
meal service:
dinner 17:30 - 18:45, lunch 11:30 - 13:00, breakfast 07:00 - 09:00
Social activities:
dance evenings (near by the hotel), live music (near by the hotel), folk music (near by the hotel), chamber concerts of classical music (near by the hotel), summer outdoor concerts (near by the hotel)
tennis courts (near by the hotel), cycle paths (near by the hotel)
all the year round:
table tennis (near by the hotel), billiards (near by the hotel), fitness (near by the hotel), gymnasium (near by the hotel), hiking (near by the hotel)
bicycles (near by the hotel), tennis racquets (near by the hotel)
single-bed room (2),
double-bed room (25)
equipment of all rooms:
reconstructed rooms,
air-conditioning, reconstructed bathroom,
separated beds,
joined bedssingle-bed room in addition:
separate toilets